Newsmakers in Chelsea

Kathleen Bishop Kathleen Cronin Bishop has taken a page from her father’s political scrapbook and can now begin one of her own by winning recently the District One Councillor seat. Her victory shows that in some ways, old Chelsea still…

Veterans Day 2009

Veterans Day has come and gone – and with it – the remembrances all of us have of those who served and gave their lives and of those now serving and willing to die. Since the time of the Revolutionary…

Obituaries 11-20-2009

Marguerite Arsenault Of Malden, formerly of Chelsea Marguerite (Brown) Arsenault of Malden, formerly of Chelsea, died on November 14. She was the beloved wife of the late Joseph F. Arsenault; mother of Diane Johnson and her husband, Robert, of Chandler,…

Arrest Report 11-20-2009

Monday, November 9 Luis Lopez, 29, 32 Congress Ave., Chelsea, was arrested for assault and battery, reckless endangerment to children. Tomas Chacon, 34, 84 Marlborough St., Chelsea, was arrested for drinking/possessing open alcoholic beverage in public, and warrant. Rosa Johnson,…

Tax and spend

Brace yourselves. Reality is hitting Chelsea and some added taxes are bound to find their way into the next city budget. It is very likely that the city will impose a slightly higher meals tax. This has been done in…