The death of Zelda Baskies is a great loss for local dentist Dr. Robert Baskies. Dr. Baskies and his mother always had a special relationship, and he could quite often be seen eating with his mother in local restaurants at…
Category: News
Rev. Anthony Giang Nguyen, 70 Long associated with the Cambodian and Vietnamese communities of Chelsea Reverend Anthony Giang Nguyen, a resident of Lowell and a parochial vicar at St. Patrick Church, Lowell, died peacefully September 21 at the Kindred Hospital…
Forty years of magic and memories – Genevieve’s Dance Studio celebrates 40th anniversary
Genevieve Spinelli began her dancing career specializing in “Tap” under the tutelage of Veronica Zunino. Her first awards came early, winning first place honors for Best Dancer at the Chelsea Youth Commission Talent Show, along with a free scholarship to…
Capuano appears ready to make a run for Kennedy’s seat
All signs are pointing to U.S. Congressman Michael Capuano throwing his hat into the race for Senator Ted Kennedy’s vacant seat. On Tuesday, Capuano pulled nomination papers, and he has been busy making phone calls to friends, political allies and…
Capuano takes aim
Our congressman, Mike Capuano, has jumped from the frying pan into the fire. He’s pulling his papers to run for Ted Kennedy’s empty Senate seat. This is sure to set off more than a few political debates here and throughout…
Boston Music Conference is teaming up with the Chelsea Record to give local youths a unique opportunity
Are you a local kid who wants to build a career in the music industry? If so, you’ve probably heard from parents, friends and teachers that such a career is extremely hard to come by and that you are probably…
Labor Day 2009
Labor Day has come and gone, finishing off the half-summer during this, the fall of our discontent. The government estimates that 14 million Americans are out of work. The unemployment rate is 9.7 percent and rising, although the numbers of…
Chelsea High cross country, girls soccer preview
The Chelsea High cross country and girls soccer teams will both open their 2009 season today. The cross country team set to open at home on Admiral’s Hill with a non-league dual meet against Everett High, while the girls soccer…
Chelsea Pop Warner Preview
By Pete Legasey With the season opener just days away, Chelsea Pop Warner football is eagerly awaiting the start of what it hopes will be its most successful season ever. The league will open the 2009 season on September 13…
Obituaries – 09/10/09
Vincent Calderone Well Known Local Musician Vincent J. Calderone of Everett died on September 7. A 40 year member of the Everett Kiwanis Club, he was a longtime and well known local musician, member of the Maine Country Western Hall…