All along, city leaders, primary among them City Manager Jay Ash, knew that the FBI move to Chelsea was a certainty. The deal had been years in the making. Unbelievably, the city went head to head with Boston as a…
Category: News
First Day of School at Mary C.Burke Complex
Students line up for the first day of school.
City Calls for Artist to Paint Boxes
Chelsea Painted Box, a new program calling for artists to paint utility boxes throughout the city, has begun. Painted Box is part of Chelsea’s effort to deter graffiti and promote art. The program is being administered by the Chelsea Cultural…
Labor Secretary Salis Visits City; Helping to Get the Country on Track
US Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis came to Chelsea late Tuesday afternoon. The first Hispanic Labor Secretary from East Los Angeles appointed by President Barack Obama – and a former congressman – met with about 100 members of the Chelsea…
Planning Board Recommends Veterans Housing Plan
The Chelsea Planning Board gave a positive recommendation for a plan by The Neighborhood Developers (TND) to locate a veterans services group home at 215 Shurtleff St. – the former American Legion building. The 10-unit home with veterans services on…
LaMattina Versus Campatelli for Suffolk County Register of Probate
Chelsea residents going to the polls next Thursday have two options when voting for Suffolk County Register of Probate. Boston City Councillor Sal LaMattina is one possible choice. Patricia Campatelli is the other. The Register position race is one of…
Park Cleaners Under Agreement as Beer and Wine Store
A plan to convert the long-time Park Cleaners store on Park Street into a convenience store that sells beer and wine would be the first such plan to come under new zoning laws enacted earlier this year. The building is…
Artie Eells July Fourth Celebration 35th Anniversary
Artie’s July Fourth Celebration had its 35th anniversary on July 4, 2012. The party started in 1977 when Ells received a flag flown over the Capitol Building in Washington on July 4, 1976. Over the years many family and friends…
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Great New Park
Just a few years ago, Gabby Alejandro (left) and Jenny Oseguera would have been sitting in a weed-strewn lot full of all kinds of undesirable items, but now they are coloring sidewalk chalk on a beautiful new park at the…
Secure Community Program Stays on Target After Three Months
It hasn’t come without hesitation and it hasn’t come without quite a bit of pressure from all angles, but after one quarter of cooperating with the federal government’s Secure Communities program, Chelsea Police indicate that the feds are not overstepping…