Category: Editorials

Neighborhood Developers Annual Meeting

The Neighborhood Developers (TND) Annual Meeting took place at the Garfield School, with Congresswoman Katherine Clark as the keynote speaker. Those in attendance included State Sen. Sal DiDomenico, State Rep. Dan Ryan, Revere Mayor Dan Rizzo, Revere Councillor Ira Novoselsky…

Enjoy a Safe and Sane Fourth

Back at the turn of the last century (i.e., 1900), newspapers exhorted their readers to observe a “safe and sane” Fourth of July. That’s because in communities big and small all across America, the founding of our nation had become…

Whew, What a Weekend!

To the Editor: Thanks go to so many gardeners, friends and local merchants for all the good will and hard work that went into our 4th Annual Art Walk “Scarecrows in the Garden” and “Quilt Raffle” fundraiser at the Chelsea…

The SJC Decision

Tuesday’s decision by the Supreme Judiclal Court ordering that the question of whether Massachusetts can issue licenses for casino gambling must be placed before the voters for a referendum in November is one of seismic proportions, with the epicenter situated…

Chelsea, All-American City

The award presented to the City of Chelsea for being recognized as an All-American City this past weekend in Denver truly represents a milestone in the long history of our community. Under the direction of our great City Manager, Jay Ash, and with…