Category: Editorials

Guest Op-ed: Rising Rates and Sea Levels

Bay State ocean waters and insurance rates are rising. Just ask those holding 25,000 federally subsidized coastal flood insurance policies in Massachusetts. These contracts insulate people from the full risks of living on the shore—risks that private insurance companies have…

A Special Easter

This week and especially on Sunday, many churches will be overflowing as parishioners go to church to celebrate Easter. Easter is always a magical time for children. As a family, we always held off hiding the Easter candy around the…

Our Fallen Heroes

People in this world may be divided by political views, race, sexual orientation, and religion but there is one group of people that are blind to this and will run into a burning inferno and save your life regardless if…

So, This Is Spring?

Although the calendar told us that spring officially arrived last Thursday, Mother Nature, as usual, has decided on her own time frame for when she will allow spring to be sprung. As we are writing this editorial at the beginning of the week, the weatherman…

Spring Cleaning Time

Clean up, clean up, Everybody everywhere Clean, clean up, Everybody do your share. For our readers with children, the above phrases will be recognized as coming from a song by Barney, the Purple Dinosaur.  But they are as apropos as anything else we can think of…