Author: Record Staff

CSBG May Be on the Chopping Block

It’s something that is always threatened under Republican presidential administrations so it came as a surprise to many in Chelsea when President Barack Obama singled out Community Service Block Grants (CSBG) as something to cut in his State of the…

Fill the Pot Holes

Nothing, frankly, can be more important to public safety and quality of life than the repair of the city’s many growing pot-holes. Some of them in the most obvious locations – Washington Avenue, Broadway, Everett Avenue, and Beacham Street are…

John Edward McBride

On February 1, Chelsea lost a link to the old days, when this city was a far different place than it is today. The death of John Edward McBride last week at 90 brought to an end a long and…

Police Briefs 02-10-2011

Saturday, January 29 Luis Reyes, 28, 4 Franklin St., Chelsea, was arrested for assault and battery and intimidation of a witness. Sunday, January 30 Jose Gonzalez, 53, 48 Malden St., Everett, was arrested for assault with a dangerous weapon. D’mitri…

Red Devils Win CAC Championship

The Chelsea High basketball team clinched an outright Commonwealth Athletic Conference championship with a string of three victories over their principal CAC rivals this past week. The Red Devils stand at a perfect 11-0 in the CAC and with just…

Obituaries 02-10-2011

Jose Santos Jr. Of Puerto Rico, formerly of Chelsea Jose J. Santos Jr. of Arroyo, Puerto Rico, formerly of Chelsea, died unexpectedly at home n January 1. Born in Malden, he was the beloved son of the late Jose Santos…

HCHA Holds Annual Legislative Breakfast

State and local officials joined community health leaders at the Harbor Community Health Alliance’s Annual Legislative Breakfast Friday at the Winthrop Senior Center. City Manager Jay Ash, State Reps. Eugene O’Flaherty and Kathi-Anne Reinstein, State Sen. Sal DiDomenico, and Speaker of…