The city has unveiled its draft 2025 update to its Open Space and Recreation Plan and is seeking feedback from the community.
This plan, updated every seven years, sets priorities for the future of parks, recreation, and open space in Chelsea. The updated plan is available for viewing at
The plan was updated in collaboration with many city departments, agencies, and organizations–along with federal, state, and regional partners- and Chelsea residents, who provided their input via various engagement opportunities including a public survey and multiple community events.
“We are deeply grateful to everyone who contributed their time and ideas to this project, especially the Chelsea residents who shared their thoughts through surveys and public meetings,” said Emily Granoff, Deputy Director of Chelsea’s Department of Housing + Community Development. “Your input has been vital in shaping the future of Chelsea’s parks, open spaces, and recreational resources.”
The updated plan provides a roadmap for maintaining and expanding Chelsea’s open spaces and recreation facilities, while integrating these efforts with the city’s broader goal of building resilient infrastructure. It outlines three key goals, each with specific action steps to move forward:
Enhance Environmental Quality – Use our parks as part of the City’s response to climate change; provide opportunities for cooling during hot summer months, increase diverse plantings to support our ecosystems, and absorb stormwater to reduce flooding.
Expand Active & Recreational Programming – Increase the variety and accessibility of active recreational options in every neighborhood, and for every age group
Enhance Parks as Community Spaces – Add more amenities to parks to support a wide range of events and programs, such as bathrooms, electrical outlets, and water bottle fillers, and streamline the permitting and reservation process for community events
The city has made significant investments in its open space and recreation facilities since the last plan update and remains committed to continuing this work to improve the health and well-being of its residents, according to city officials.
To request a physical copy of the plan or for more information, please contact Emily Granoff, Deputy Director of the Department of Housing + Community Development, at [email protected] or call (617) 466-4193.