City Releases Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2026-2030

Special to the Record

The city released its Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) outlining strategic capital investments in the City’s infrastructure, open spaces, and facilities for Fiscal Years 2026 through 2030.

The CIP is available to the public online at and in person at the Chelsea Public Library and City Clerk’s office.

Chelsea City Manager Fidel Maltez delivered the Capital Improvement Plan to the Chelsea City Council, along with a communication letter, during its meeting Monday night, pursuant to the obligations under Section 5-4 of the Chelsea City Charter. The City Council will host a public hearing, followed by a vote for adoption during their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, March 17.

The list of projects includes the replacement of all rooftop HVAC units at the Early Learning Center; safety improvements for pedestrians and motorists on roadways and intersections; and the rehabilitation of various parks and open spaces, including the tot lot located at Voke Park.

“Strategic capital investments play a pivotal role in ensuring the sustainability and prosperity of our beloved Chelsea,” said Maltez. “We firmly believe that these priorities outlined in this plan align with the needs of our community and we are dedicated to working closely with the City Council to ensure projects are implemented efficiently and responsibly.”

The CIP provides a program for prioritizing, scheduling and funding long-term investments. It consists of a capital budget and serves as an outline for capital expenditures for the four years beyond the capital budget, according to the city manager.

The CIP is prepared in conformance with the City’s Charter and Administrative Code, under the City Manager/City Council form of government. It is divided into six “Program Areas.”

“The CIP continues the City’s commitment to utilize City Reserves, and our fiscal strength to enhance the quality of life for our residents,” said Maltez. “The Plan highlights the City’s commitment to pursue outside funding and leverage grant opportunities that can offset City expenses. The proposed total investment for FY26 is just under $20,000,000.”

This document marks the 27th CIP submitted to the Chelsea City Council, a significant milestone in the fiscal management of Chelsea, according to Maltez.

Questions and comments about the City of Chelsea Capital Improvement Plan can be sent to Fidel Maltez, [email protected], City Manager, Devon Fields, [email protected], Deputy City Manager of Operations, or Michael Mason, [email protected], Deputy City Manager of Finance.

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