Special to the Record
The Department of Public Works named Bladimir (Blad) Hernandez as the new Park and Open Space Manager, who will manage all municipal parks, trees, and open spaces in Chelsea among other administrative responsibilities, including overseeing DPW grants for park improvements and ADA upgrades.
The Park and Open Space Manager position was proposed to be created in the FY24 budget as part of the city’s ongoing efforts to enhance and beautify Chelsea. In this role, Hernandez will also serve as the Tree Warden for the City of Chelsea and as the staff person of the Chelsea Tree Board, a pivotal position for the conservation and expansion of the City’s green infrastructure.
Hernandez holds a bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture and regional planning from UMass Amherst and has vast experience in the field of landscape architecture. Prior to Chelsea, Bladimir worked for the Harris County Engineering Department, TX, as a landscape architect in-training designer and project manager for over five years. Other work experiences include the City of Houston Parks and Recreation Department, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), and the New England Aquarium.
The incorporation of Hernandez into the DPW team also reflects the city’s intention of keeping local talent within the community. A graduate of Chelsea High School with Salvadoran family roots, Hernandez has been happy to call Chelsea home from 1995 to 2016 and today.
Hernandez considered himself an enthusiast for issues related to plants, landscapes, and the environment from the very young age of 12, when he started showing off his landscaping skills.
He is also aware of the strong community advocacy for more open spaces.
“Growing up in Chelsea in the mid 90s parks and open spaces were rarely available and the ones that were available were not so inviting,” said Hernandez. “Luckily the city has been getting better through the years, I would like to play a part in those efforts. With my experience in landscape architecture design and project management combined with my passion for the natural environment and my love for Chelsea I hope to help the city thrive with a healthy and diverse tree and plant life as well as providing accessible parks and open space for recreational purposes.”
Residents can contact Hernandez in-person at the Chelsea DPW, 500 Broadway, Room 310, by calling 617-466-4217 or via email at [email protected].