On May 21, Malden Catholic High School celebrated the 87th Commencement ceremony which was the school’s first codivisional graduation including both the Boys and Girls Divisions. The Class of 2022 graduation was held live on the Brother Gilbert Stadium with 194 MC graduates and over 800 family members, faculty and staff in attendance.
The ceremony started with an invocation by MC Principal, Rose Maria Redman, and was followed by a presentation by MC’s Girls Division valedictorian, Lily Baglio of Peabody. Baglio’s address commented on the great success that has resulted from the school’s unique codivisional model and how the administration had remained present to hear and fulfill as many ideas and aspirations as possible over the past four years. She also shared a letter written to her two siblings, Brooke and Luke, who will be joining MC’s Class of 2026 with tips regarding how to appreciate the lessons gleaned both inside and outside of the classroom and the school’s strong 90-year legacy.
After the presentation of candidates by Malden Catholic Principal Rose Maria Redman and Boys Division Leader, Robert J. Bucchino ’71, Girls Division Leader, Jeffrey P. Smith ’95 P’24 and Assistant Principal of Student Life, James J. Grocki, MC President John K. Thornburg was followed by the conferral of diplomas and a presentation by Charles Dilman of Melrose, Malden Catholic Boys Division valedictorian. Dilman’s speech commented tremendous value of MC’s academic programs and spirit of connection he experienced over the past four years. According to Dilman, he is exceptionally well prepared to take on the world and its future challenges based on the education received at Malden Catholic during a period of unprecedented change.
The ceremony also included the following 2022 awards: Emma Pohl of Arlington – Xaverian Scholar Award, Andrew Nguyen of Billerica – Perfect Attendance Award, Andrew Blake of Charlestown – Perfect Attendance Award, Daniel Rodriguez of East Boston – STEM Award, Vincent Carbone of Everett – Xaverian Scholar Award, Luca Morelli of Everett – Xaverian Scholar Award, Social Studies Department Award, Jonathan Beauvoir of Everett – Perfect Attendance Award, Christopher Machado of Everett – Perfect Attendance Award, Evelyn Maradiaga of Everett – Perfect Attendance Award, Art Department Award, Matthew Kendall of Lowell – Perfect Attendance Award, Brooke Langis of Lynn – Xaverian Scholar Award, Science Department Award: Physics, Angie Mejia of Lynn – Xaverian Scholar Award, World Language Department Award: Spanish, Nicholas Julian of Lynnfield – Gerard F. Doherty, 1946, Loyalty and Friendship Award, Evan Keleti of Malden – Xaverian Scholar Award, World Language Department Award: Spanish, Technology Department Award, Chi Nguyen Hai Vu off Malden – Xaverian Scholar Award, Brandon Wong of Malden – Xaverian Scholar Award, Perfect Attendance Award, World Language Department Award: Latin, Sandra Aranha of Malden – Perfect Attendance Award, Neil Harrington of Malden – Perfect Attendance Award, Michael MacCuish of Malden – Performing Arts Award, Art Department Award, Kylie Bragg of Malden – Science Department Award: Biology, Olivia Gowrie of Medford – Loyalty and Service Award, Xaverian Scholar Award, Francesca Callahan of Medford – Xaverian Scholar Award, Karina Rahman of Medford – Xaverian Scholar Award, Pauline Turk of Medford – Science Department Award: Chemistry, Charles Dilman of Melrose – Xaverian Award, Valedictorian Award, Perfect Attendance Award, World Language Department Award: Spanish, Mathematics Department Award, Science Department Award: Chemistry, Samuel Sanzone of Melrose – Loyalty and Service Award, Xaverian Scholar Award, Perfect Attendance Award, Theology Department Award, Eavan Flood of Melrose – Xaverian Scholar Award, Perfect Attendance Award, Duy Thuc Trinh of Melrose – Xaverian Scholar Award, Science Department Award: Biology, Matthew Tarpey of Melrose – Perfect Attendance Award, Zeyu Xiao of Melrose – Science Department Award: Physics, Lily Baglio of Peabody – Gerard F. Doherty, 1946, Loyalty and Friendship Award, Valedictorian Award, English Department Award, Mathematics Department Award, Daniel Bousquet of Peabody – Perfect Attendance Award, Anthony Felder Jr. of Quincy – Physical Education Award Since 1932, Malden Catholic High School has shaped emerging leaders in our community, claiming a Nobel Laureate, a Senator, two ambassadors and countless community and business heads among its alumni. Annually, graduates attend some of the nation’s most renown universities including Harvard, Georgetown, Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, Tufts, Georgia Tech, Boston College and Amherst College. Foundational to student success is Malden Catholic’s codivisional model which offers the best of both worlds, single-gender academics during the day and integrated social and extracurricular opportunities after school. Malden Catholic is known in the community for its rigorous academics, SFX Scholars Program and award-winning STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) with electives such as Robotics and Engineering Design. Malden Catholic curriculum is designed to improve individual growth mindset, leadership principles, success outcomes along with integrating the Xaverian values of trust, humility, compassion, simplicity and zeal. https://www.maldencatholic.org/