By Darlene DeVita
(The following is one in a series of sneak peeks at the upcoming People of Chelsea additions by Photographer Darlene DeVita. The new work will ultimately appear on the fence of the Chelsea Public Library (CPL) this fall in a collaboration between the People of Chelsea project and the CPL.)
I’m a Chelsea Resident, and a neighbor in my building mentioned [that] there was a free BBQ across from the Police Station. I went to check it out; I received more than a meal, I heard things that saved my life, and I received resources that helped me get the help that I was craving. I now have a team of support and encouragement. I guess that I’m a person that needs than just meetings. I need a close community that understands who I am and has the same goals—living joyous and FREE!
Now that I have been learning more about recovery and relapse I am able to sharpen the tools in my tool-box inside.