Special to the Record
District 8 City Councilor Calvin Brown has stated his intention to seek re-election. The following is his announcement.
My name is Calvin Brown and I am asking for your vote for re-election as District 8 representative on the Chelsea City Council. The last year has been hard for our families, neighbors and City. No Massachusetts City has faced greater challenges in dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic than Chelsea.
But none of us has given up. I have been on the front lines of this fight during this difficult period serving on the City Council working with my colleagues. Like many of you, we have seen little of each other because of the pandemic. At this time, I can report to you what I have been doing on behalf of District 8.
I have worked hard on the Council to make sure that Chelsea has not been adversely impacted by COVID-19. I am proud to say that we have not laid off a single municipal employee and, as a result, our essential City services have not been compromised. Owner occupied properties save over $200.00 a month in taxes due to our generous residential exempt program. Chelsea is 1 of approximately 20 communities in the Commonwealth that offers such a program.
The City Council has also worked tirelessly on behalf of our school system. My wife and I are proud parents of three Chelsea Public School Graduates. We know the importance of our City’s school system first hand. That is why I am committed to supporting the Chelsea School Department with my advocacy for the Student Opportunity Act so that our schools will be able to have the funds needed to support student achievement.
During the past year, I have been prioritizing and supporting every effort our City has initiated to fight against this public health emergency. I am proud of our efforts. We must continue to protect our most precious residence, our seniors and youth.
We are not going to overstate our accomplishments because we still have more work to do. Chelsea needs to continue to improve our transportation system so our residents can get back to work. I have helped in this effort with my advocacy for the new Silver Line station which will be opening this fall behind Market Basket.
The interests of all of our stakeholders must be addressed. This means a greater focus on housing, empowering our school system, supporting our vital business community and making sure that we resolve any and all matters concerning food insecurity.
I am running for re-election because our fight is not over. We need to beat this pandemic not just because of the lives that it has taken but the loss of jobs and economic security that our residents have suffered. I want to make Chelsea a model of public health that demonstrates how a vibrant and diverse community meets this challenge. This means not just a focus on health, but putting people back to work. The Chelsea City Council must make this goal a top priority.
Furthermore, we need to ask more of our state and federal governments. Many promises have been made regarding issues like assistance to renters and landlords, but we still have not seen the money or the rules necessary to make these goals a reality. I intend to use my experience on the Council and my good relationships with state and federal leaders to make sure that the needs of Chelsea are always addressed. This Covid-19 is not fully over, and we need to get it under control and focus on and on economic recovery.
I have been endorsed by IBEW Local 103 and Teamsters Local Union No.25 because of my strong advocacy on behalf of the working men and women of Chelsea.
I am committed more than ever to working with the other members of the Council and our City Manager to continue to build on the foundation we have created during my time on the Council and the last year in particular.
Our City has the people, the spirit and the tools to take the fight to COVID, but we need experienced and trusted leadership. My past service as a District 8 City Councilor has demonstrated my commitment to our community. Many of you know and have seen me around the City at local events, whether it be a youth sporting event, the Taste of Chelsea, or at local arts and theater programs. It is because I love Chelsea and care for our City and support the many events that bring us together.
I love serving our City, and I enjoy working to make it better each and every day. I am also grateful for your support in the past, and I humbly ask you for your vote of confidence and support on Tuesday, November 2nd , Election Day so that I can continue to be the voice for the residents of District Eight on the City Council. Thank you for taking time to read this letter.
If you have any questions or would like to help our campaign, please feel free to call me at (617) 466-1548.
Thank you,
Calvin T. Brown
District 8 City Councilor