Proposals for community activities celebrating Chelsea’s heritage and diversity are due Monday, November 16.
The Chelsea Heritage Celebrations Grant Program was established by the City of Chelsea and the Chelsea Cultural Council funded by Encore Boston Harbor to support a broad range of cultural events, art shows, festivals and related activities such as sculptures murals, and film series that promote the community’s heritage, quality of life, recreation and cultural activities.
The goal is to fund both single and multi-day events and projects that are open to the public to promote the celebration of Chelsea and its surrounding heritage and diversity. The grant range is $3,000 – $15,000. Larger request may be considered based on merit.
Virtual Information Sessions are scheduled for Friday, October 16, 4-5:30pm and Monday, November 2 from 4:30-6pm. Check for the Zoom link.
2020 Chelsea Heritage Celebrations Grantees are:
•Chelsea Prospers: Chelsea Heritage Mural- Fifth Street- Artist: David Fichter – $24,667
•Apollinaire Theatre: Apollinaire in the Park at Home Edition – $19,000
•Darlene DeVita -Chelsea Collaborative: Celebrating the People of Chelsea Banners – $7,000
•Silvia Chavez Lopez – Green Roots: Chelsea Resilience Mural – $12,000
The deadline for completed Online Application must be received by November 16, 2020. Projects awarded to be implemented between January, 2021 and December 31, 2021. This timeline is flexible due to COVID-19. Online Guidelines & Application available at:
2021 Guidelines are in English and Spanish can be found online at or picked up at Chelsea City Hall, Dept. of Health & Human Services, Room 100. For additional information call (617) 466-4090 or email [email protected].