Represent Our Community
To the Editor,
The Democratic presidential primary season is upon us and the 2020 Democratic National Convention nears. I would like to share with all registered Democrats in the City of Chelsea, an opportunity to represent our community and our values at the 2020 National Convention, taking place on July 13-16th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I, along with other community leaders, and the Massachusetts Democratic Party will be hosting the 2020 DNC Delegation Selection Training Session here in Chelsea. I invite you to join us on Saturday, February 8, at the Williams Middle School from 11:00AM to 12:30PM.
During this time, we will be hosting a training that will walk you through necessary steps to become a delegate to the 2020 National Convention.
Every four years, Democrats convene at our national convention to select the Democratic nominee for president. This selection process is done by a body of delegates — individuals from all over the country. Chelsea has the right to organize and send diverse members to represent our values and cast their vote in support of a Democratic presidential candidate.
In order to ensure we have a member of our community at this year’s convention, we need you to run for a delegate seat to the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
As a delegate, you will make history by using your voice to nominate the next President and Vice President of the United States. In these pressing times, where national politics have exacerbated the challenges we face and further polarized our communities, the 2020 election will be critical to upholding the course of our democracy.
Chelsea is grappling with issues that transcend regional and state boundaries. We face transit and housing problems, noise and air pollution, and many more systematic inequalities that have had generational ramifications. These problems trickle down into our community due to an absence in leadership from our President and nationwide officials.
That is where informed Democrats like you come in. Our vulnerable populations — undocumented members in our community, people of color, low-income households, among the many more — are forced to endure challenges and hardships that have often times been overlooked by national officials. You can use your voice to ensure responsible political representation. You can secure the nomination of a leader who will tackle and expose these issues head on.
Be a part of history, represent our values at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, and join me at the 2020 DNC Delegation Selection Training Session in Chelsea. For more information or to RSVP please contact Juan Gallego at 857.237.1565.
I look forward to seeing you all,
Damali Vidot,
At-Large City Councilor