Few things have been more anticipated within City government this year than the upcoming Charter review – a process that could completely change how Chelsea is governed.
Reviews take place every 10 years, and already a good deal of wrangling has taken place on the City Council to try to get control over the Charter Review process. That battle for control was a good part of why the Council President race was so contested. Now, with that settled, Council President Roy Avellaneda said it is time to begin the work of the review, and he’s calling for volunteers.
“Once in every 10 years, the City Council will establish a special committee to review this charter and to make a report, with recommendations, to the City Council concerning any proposed amendments which the committee may deem necessary,” said Council President Avellaneda. “The goal of forming this committee is to review how well our current charter is serving the present and future needs of the City of Chelsea. We are seeking five Chelsea residents who are registered voters to participate on this committee.”
In addition to the five Chelsea residents, the committee will include five city councilors and three School Committee members. It is expected that the Charter Committee will first meet sometime in March to organize.
Avellaneda said he expected the Committee to have final recommendations by end of year. The recommended amendments, if any, will then be passed along to the City Council to be approved for a home rule petition. The Home Rule Petition will then be passed along to the State Legislature for final approval.
The application for interested residents deadline is February 28, 2020.
If anyone is interested in participating in this Committee, please e-mail a letter of interest and your resume to both Ledia Koco at [email protected] and City Council President Roy Avellaneda at [email protected].
Residents may also submit your letter of interest and resume by mail to the City of Chelsea, City Council Office, Room 306,500 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150.
The City Charter calls for the Review Committee, stating:
“In every year ending in zero the city council shall establish a Charter review committee consisting of members of the city council, the school committee and residents of the city to examine and review the Charter and report to the city council findings, conclusions and recommendations.”