Councilor At-Large Leo Robinson Announces His Candidacy for Re-Election

Councilor at-Large Leo Robinson, five term president of the City Council, announces his re-election campaign with these words: “Im all in.”

I am a lifelong resident of Chelsea, family man, homeowner, Veteran of the United States Army, and have served five terms as President of the Council.

It has been my pleasure to represent you as Councilor at-Large for the Chelsea City Council. This past term much has been achieved, including earning a bond rating increase while balancing budgets that don’t require a proposition 2 ½ override which has generated tremendous economic development, promoting public safety, including staffing the Police and Fire Department at its highest level ever, with more coming and seeing crime drop, and supporting our schools. I am committed to development, as I helped steer the Central Avenue Project Development, a one hundred and twenty-one million dollar development which is for all. I am a firm believer that affordable housing is important to keep Chelsea together, and I sponsored the inclusionary housing zoning ordinance as well as worked with the City Manager and Planning and Development on Revitalizing Broadway and bringing it to the 21st century. I have seen Chelsea make mistakes in the past but I am confident that our progress will persist as long as we all continue working together.

My priorities continue to be around public safety, education, neighborhood improvement and balancing budgets. You need to know that I remain committed as a life-long resident of the City and a long-term public official and community champion. I love this City and love working for its betterment. Its betterment includes your lives and those of your fellow neighbors.

If re-elected, I promise to continue to show up at every meeting, have meaningful insight to contribute, be a voice of reason but also demand solutions when warranted, lead an open and honest government, and always remember that the privilege extended to me to serve means that I need to continue to concern myself about each and every resident of the City, including you.

I ask for your support on November 5, 2019 so I may continue to work on the issues that are important to all of us.

In closing, I heard firsthand the need for, amongst other things, mixed and affordable housing, more business and housing ownership opportunities, job training and creation for residents and an enhanced civic and cultural environment to once again make Chelsea a destination.

Thank you for considering my candidacy and please go out to vote on Tuesday, November 5th, 2019. Candidate for Re-Election to the Chelsea City Council.


Leo Robinson

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