Chelsea Chamber to Hold Installation of Officers March 27

The Chelsea Chamber of Commerce will hold its 2019 Installation of Officers Reception & Dinner on Weds., March 27, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. 

The event will take place at Hilton Garden Inn Boston Logan Airport, 100 Boardman Street, East Boston. 

Officers to be installed for two-year terms are:  President Joseph W. Mahoney,; Immediate Past President, Sergio Jaramillo, Broadway Jewelers; Alberto Calvo, Executive Vice-President, Stop & Compare Supermarkets; Vice-President Joseph M. Vinard, Chelsea Bank—a division of East Cambridge Savings Bank; Vice-President Sue Gallant, CPA, MST; Treasurer Effie Jaramillo, Broadway Jewelers; and Secretary Arthur Arsenault, Arsenault & Cline, CPAs.

Josh Kraft, CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston, will be the guest speaker.  Eastern Salt and East Cambridge Savings Bank are the presenting sponsors.  To register, or for more information, visit, or call 617-884-4877.

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