Forbes Park Approval a Disaster for Neighbors
Dear Editor,
After speaking out against the Forbes Park site due to parking issues and the flow of traffic it will cause the abutting neighborhoods, I was very upset to see the Zoning Board’s approval to build 590 units on the site.
The people in favor were the Collaborative, GreenRoots (which sent a letter with their concessions), councillors who have not met or even been approached by developers YIHE Forbes LLC, and concerned neighbors.
City Manager Tom Ambrosino also supported it, even though back in 2015 he said he would not support the project, but understood something needs to go on the Forbes site. On Tuesday, he supported the project, which I couldn’t understand when he and others had stated in the past that if the alternative access problem could not be solved, then any development there will have a big impact.
Ambrosino suggested in the past that an access point using Railroad Street in Revere and crossing over the Mill Creek and into Forbes. That would keep most vehicles out of the Chelsea neighborhood and give exclusive access to the development from major roadways like Rt. 1, Rt. 1A and the Parkway.
“It’s not a long span across the water and it could be expensive but I don’t think it is insurmountable,” he said in the Chelsea Record in 2015. “You have to address the environmental issues, but if you’re investing $500 million, it could make sense to think about another $50 million to solve the access problem.”
So what changed since then? YIHE Forbes LLC states that there will be two entrances 100 feet apart and could be so close to the abutting residential properties that these neighbors have to put up with, and remember there is still only one way access in and one way access out which still doesn’t solve the problem.
And what about an emergency situation? Oh I know, the developer is putting in a helicopter pad for quick access out.
There are other alternatives which were brought up by another councillor like the MBTA building a stop to alleviate some of the traffic problems, but then again it comes down to the almighty dollar, and God knows the developers all have to make money, but at whose expense?
It’s a shame that no one has thought about the concessions of the residents that live in our neighborhood. Right now, with cars parked on both sides of the street that go into the Forbes site, and what we have to go through every day. Try getting out of your driveway every day; try driving down the street when you have to dodge cars, and then add 963 parking spaces which is 1.6 cars per unit. But someone seems to forget about the cars they will have for each unit like the mother, father and kids that all have cars, not to mention the visitors or guests that will come with cars. Has anyone thought where to put the overflow of these cars? Our streets are already congested, and getting in and out will be so bad.
This is just part of the nightmare.
There is so much more that no one has discussed when the construction starts, like continuous noise, the trucks, the digging, and don’t forget about the lovely rat problem which no one has had now in our area yet.
Get ready.
One thing to remember: Chelsea is Chelsea. This is not the South End, but we all have no problem with welcoming newcomers as long as we don’t let these developers come in to our City and tell us what to do.
People in favor of this project do not live in our neighborhood, so why do we the residents have to put up with something we don’t want?
Councillor Joe Perlatonda
Simboli College Award Now Available Online
Dear Editor,
We are happy to report that the Application for the 2019 Simboli Family College Award can now be completed and submitted online at
The application deadline is Monday April 22, 2019.
We encourage you to send it to 2019 Graduating Seniors, special clubs at the High School, non-profits that interact with the students and others. The online format makes it easy to email and share within your organization.
We are available to visit with you in person to address any questions and/or to speak to a group of parents and students.
To date, we have over 125 recipients, some of whom have received the Award for two years consecutively. The Award began in 2007. 2019 marks the 13th year of Awardees.
Stay tuned for updates and profiles of some of the how their education from Chelsea High School has led to success.
If you have any questions, please call Patricia Simboli at 617-889-0900.
The Simboli Family College Award Selection Committee