Priti Johari, Chelsea High
School Redesign Administrator,
was named ad interim
principal at CHS on Monday
by Supt. Mary Bourque. She
will begin her duties on July
1 after current Principal Joe
Mullaney leaves.
Chelsea High School (CHS) Principal Joe Mullaney isn’t going anywhere until the end of the school year, but Superintendent Mary Bourque took the opportunity this week to name an interim principal, Priti Johari, who will learn the ropes from Mullaney before he leaves the school.
Bourque announced the appointment of Johari – who was the School Redesign Administrator at CHS for the last three years – at a faculty meeting in CHS on Monday.
Johari is officially the ad interim principal at CHS for the 2014-2015 school year and will begin those duties on July 1.
Mullaney, who has spent 17 years as a teacher, coach, assistant principal and principal in the district, will leave the schools on June 30. He previously announced he needed more time to spend with his family.
“I want to thank Joe for his graciousness and generosity in allowing us time to work on a paced transition plan to support the next principal of CHS,” said Bourque. “Joe is already providing much support and training to the incoming principal.”
Johari’s experience includes three years as a Redesign Administrator at Chelsea High School, experience as an education policy analyst, a Boston school administrator, and six years as a high school English teacher.
“Her belief in our students; her conviction in the power of the teacher to make a difference in a student’s life; her steely resolve to move the classroom and student performance to the center of all that we do is what makes Priti the right choice at this juncture of the life of Chelsea High School,” said Bourque.