Noted actress Kathryn Woods will present a special historical performance tonight at 6 at the Chelsea Public Library. Woods will be performing a show, “A Woman Ain’t I? that focuses on the life of Sojourner Truth, who was born a…
Month: March 2013
Local Dignitaries Paint Bowls to Help out the Chelsea Hunger Network
City Manager Jay Ash, Police Chief Brian Kyes, Fire Chief Robert Better, Centro Latino Executive Director Juan Vega, Community Relations Officer Sammy Mojica, and The Neighborhood Developers Director of Community Engagement Melissa Walsh painted “celebrity bowls” that will be available…
Appreciation: Philip D. Fixman Set a High Standard of Excellence as a Constable
Philip D. Fixman, who served as a constable in Chelsea for 53 years and established the standards of professionalism by which constables do their jobs today, died on Feb. 25 following a brief illness. He was 89. Phil moved to…
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?: Tracy Syverain, That’s Who
Chelsea resident and Chelsea High graduate Tracy Syverain was announced this week as a contestant on the popular ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’ game show – with her appearance coming today, March 14th. The show with Syverain will appear…
Former Planning Board Member Gets Long Prison Sentence for Fraud
White collar criminals beware, the U.S. Attorney’s Office isn’t playing around with investment scammers. That was proven on Tuesday with the sentencing of Chelsea investment advisor, and former Planning Board member, Gary Martel to more than 7 years in federal…
After 25 Years, ROCA Focuses in on Stats and Outcomes
Nearly seven years ago, ROCA founder and CEO Molly Baldwin gathered her staff in a conference room and decided to address a question that had been nagging her for some time. While everyone in Chelsea, Revere and other nearby locales…
On Mike McLaughlin
We were hoping that our outrage would die down after hearing that former Chelsea Housing Authority Director Mike McLauglin might walk if he turns out to be a good helper and offer up some other politicians to the U.S. Attorney’s…
Police Briefs 03-14-2013
3/4/13 Charles McCarthy, 18, 112 Wells Ave., Boston, MA, was arrested for default warrant and felony warrants. Henry Santos, 28, 70 Graves Rd., Revere, was arrested for operation of motor vehicle unlicensed. David Penney, 47, 376 Ocean Ave., Revere, was…
Chelsea Youth Basketball League Championship Games Set for Saturday
The Chelsea Youth Basketball League will conduct its championship games of the playoffs Saturday at the Jordan Boys and Girls Club. The Celtics defeated the Celtics, 45-26, in the Senior League semifinal. Carlos Vasquez scored 15 points while Malcolm Norman…
Obituaries 03-14-2013
Robert Katzman Of Chelsea, formerly of Malden Robert Katzman of Chelsea, formerly of Malden, passed away on March 7. He was the beloved husband of Adele (Karnow) Katzman; dear brother of Myer Katzman, Sidney Katzman and the late Joseph Katzman;…