We urge everyone shoveling snow to refrain from shoveling the white stuff into the streets that have just been plowed.
We must move forward not backward and shoveling snow into the street is moving in the wrong direction.
In a small city like ours, we need everyone’s cooperation to make it work.
Let’s not negate the great job being done by our snow removal experts.
In addition, all residents should refrain from touching downed power lines.
Also, the city will be giving homeowners two days to clear their sidewalks and pathways before ticketing for non-removal.
Salting the roads is now the major task in order to maintain safety as everything has frozen following the snow and the lower temperature.
Although plowing has been, by our observation, thorough and comprehensive, something always seems to get missed.
If this is the case, a simple call to 911 and the problem will be immediately alleviated.
The city seems to have managed rather well even the seemingly simple task of snow removal.
As most of us know, removing snow from more than 100 streets in the small city is a complex, expensive task – and one that seems to have no end during a great snowfall.
We congratulate our snow removal experts.
The city’s streets are pretty well cleaned of snow.