In a way, the FBI coming to Chelsea will be ACS Development’s mother of all developments. It isn’t every year or even every decade that Chelsea’s largest and most successful real estate developer gets the go ahead for a 250,000 square foot FBI headquarters to be located on about 50,000 square feet of land and rising 6 stories high. For Patricia and her father, Anthony Simboli, the principals of ACS, this new victory is sweeter than everything that has come before. The Simboli’s were pioneers in Chelsea’s latest incarnation in the old Ward 2 territory. When they started out, they put everything they owned on the line and almost lost it a number of times along the way. The Simbolis persevered, did the right thing, and altogether, they deserve everything that will come to them when this development is finished and the rent starts rolling in. We congratulate them on this success. It is a worthy one.