Senator Scott Brown made his first appearance in Chelsea at Tuesday morning’s Chelsea Soldier’s Home Veterans Day ceremony.
Brown was the guest of honor at the well attended event, which drew hundreds of veterans, Soldiers Home personnel and area residents.
Joining Brown on the podium in the auditorium at the headquarters building was Soldiers Home Commandant Mike Resca, Representatives Gene O’Flaherty and Kathi Anne Reinstein, State Senator Sal DiDomenico and City Manager Jxay Ash.
In short but well received remarks, Senator Brown praised the veterans and the home and everyone involved in creating the ceremony.
The Soldiers Home Color Guard lined the western side of the auditorium holding American flags.
On the Eastern side of the auditorium the Chelsea High School Choral Group performed and at the front of the stage, the Chelsea High School Band also performed.
An ROTC official youth unit from East Boston attended the ceremony as well as the many veterans it was held for.
Dozens of veterans in wheel chairs, on crutches, some missing limbs, some with severe head wounds, aged and middle aged, attended the ceremony accompanied and watched over carefully by Soldiers Home employees.
The ceremony was followed by a buffet luncheon.
Brown came to the event in his now famous pick-up truck.
He remained for the speeches and the performances, answered numerous questions and shook hands as he passed through the crowd on his way out the door.
And then he was on his way to his next event.
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