Special to the Record
Former Chelsea City Manager Tom Ambrosino returned to Chelsea on May 23 when he was a guest speaker in two classes at Chelsea High School.
The current Massachusetts Trial Court Administrator spoke to CHS students as part of a program organized by the Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA) and American Bar Association (ABA) for Law Day 2024. The program focused on the importance of civics education for youth, and how students can be informed and engaged in their respective communities.
In both classes, Ambrosino discussed his upbringing and career, touching on his lived experiences as both a public official and as a lawyer. He answered questions from the students about careers in law, the value of attending law school, and his time as City Manager in Chelsea. In Ambrosino’s current role as Massachusetts Court Administrator, he co-leads the Trial Court, the largest component of the Massachusetts Judicial Branch with seven court departments and over 6,000 employees, across 94 courthouses throughout the Commonwealth