Councilor Wants Quicker Action on Traffic Issues at Congress and Broadway

There is a traffic light planned for the busy intersection of Congress and Broadway, but it could still be several years away.

District 6 City Councilor Giovanni Recupero recently asked outgoing City Manager Thomas Ambrosino for an update on the status of the traffic light at the intersection, noting that there are both traffic and safety concerns.

“Please note that the installation of a traffic signal at this location is anticipated to be a component of the revitalizing lower Broadway construction project,” Ambrosino stated in a letter to the council. “There will be several traffic signals along Broadway as part of that reconstruction. Unfortunately, construction on the roadway portion of this project is still several years away.”

In the meantime, Ambrosino stated that the city will continue to explore options for improving safety at the intersection.

“This is a very dangerous intersection,” said Recupero. “I’ve got the communication here that says it will be a few years before we do get a light, but meanwhile, they should do something about it. Either put a stop sign or have an officer there directing traffic during peak hours when people are trying to move around.”

Recupero said the traffic can get heavily congested with long delays on Congress Avenue.

“If you live at the top of Congress, to go to Market Basket, it will take an hour sometimes just to get there,” said Recupero.

The councilor noted that due to a bike lane on Congress Avenue, the road is also narrower than it used to be, making it even more difficult to negotiate traffic. Recupero added that there is no stop sign on Broadway at the intersection, meaning cars waiting on Congress can be left sitting and waiting for cars to pass for an extended time.

“Can we do something now, either put a stop sign or make sure we have an officer there to direct traffic so that this will go smoothly?” he asked. “Because one day, someone is going to get hurt really bad and I hate to be the person to say I told you so.”

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