District Updates
•The Mary C. Burke Complex presented its 1st Annual Summer Camp Fair hosted by Parent Liaison’s Yolanda and Johnny. Representatives from organizations such as FKO, The Salvation Army, Chelsea’s Recreation and Cultural Affairs Division and the Chelsea Public Library, just to name a few, were invited to talk about their programs. Families attended two different virtual sessions and had a chance to learn more and ask questions about the different opportunities to keep their kids engaged during the summer months. It was a complete success.
Early Learning Center Updates
•The students in Ms. Capelotti’s room read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They learned fun songs about caterpillars and butterflies. They used watercolor paints to create their own colorful butterflies.
• The first grade students at the Early Learning Center have been working on Habitat projects. They spent many weeks researching and learning about various habitats and the animals that live in these habitats. Mrs. Loycano and Mrs. Cline had their students present their projects via Zoom to each class and the students had a wonderful time sharing what they learned.
• Miss Anna and Miss Marilyn’s class hosted Kindergarten school picture day. Students dressed up and had their pictures taken.
•Mrs. Faiella and Miss Maria’s class are learning about planting and growing. They planted a bean and have been watching it sprout and grow. They are also learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly. Some of the children ordered their own butterflies to watch them transform at home.
Berkowitz School Updates
•On Friday morning, two Berkowitz fourth grade classes (Ms. Sugg’s and Ms. Cosman’s) hosted Rita Williams-Garcia, award-winning author of “One Crazy Summer” (Book 1 in the Gaither Sisters Trilogy). Students joined together with their “Friends with Pens” partner class from the Jewish Community Day School (JCDS) in Watertown–a group of 4th graders who they have been writing letters to and meeting with on Zoom. It was through this program that they chose to read “One Crazy Summer” together and discuss the topics that it raises–racial justice, the Black Panther Party, family ties, and identity. The meeting was full of great questions, some student poetry, and even a sneak-peek read aloud into Book 2 at the very end.
•Last week, students in class 313 have been learning and reading about a garden. On Friday students got to plant their own seeds.
•Teachers and students in Ms. Cabigting’s Class at the Berkowitz School are doing the ABC Countdown. A-Alien , B- Beach, C Chicken, D- Dog, E- Egg. The students where the ones who came up with themes for each letter of the alphabet. Some days two will have two letters represented.
Hooks School Updates
•First graders in Ms. Johnson’s class were allowed to access their school bank and visit the class store last Friday. First graders earn coins by completing class jobs and being respectful, responsible, and cooperative.
Kelly School Updates
•Ms. Giangrasso and Ms. Donovan’s 3rd graders have been learning about Colonial Life, and for Fun Friday they churned heavy cream into home-made butter. It was fun to try it on crackers, too. (Although everyone was happy to take turns shaking a jar instead of having to use a heavy wooden butter churn!).
Sokolowski School Updates
•Students were so excited to have their first in-person circle in Ms. Flaherty’s first grade class. Students talked about all the changes that have happened since returning to school in person. Everyone is happy to see each other.
•The students in 112 celebrated their informational research project by creating a Habitat Museum for their classmates and their 3rd Grade Learning Buddies. Each first grader presented their All About Book and habitat mural. Then they answered any questions their listeners had. After their presentation, their peers gave them feedback by sharing things they learned and things they noticed while listening.
Browne Middleê Schoolê Updates
•The BMS 5th graders worked so hard all week and earned a joyful post-MCAS mask break.
Morris H. Seigal Clark Ave.Ê Updates
•Students at the Clark Avenue Middle School are exploring scientific experiments, hands on, in the lab for the first time this year. Ms. Crowley, grade 6 Science teacher, has had a packed house every week, and students have been learning about chemical reactions, making polymers, and participating in STEM challenges.
Chelsea Highêschoolê Updates
•CHS students Laura Diosa and Nancy Flores participated in a Zoom call to debrief their experience during their recent travel training.
Nancy – “I Learned they allow blind individuals to ride the train for free.” Nancy also shared that she enjoys going to Boylston.
Laura – I learned everything about the train and the subway.” Laura also shared she enjoys going to the Aquarium. •To celebrate their achievements, Pathway Educators handed out certificates and cords to Law and Public Policy, Education, and Health and Life Sciences Students.