By Darlene DeVita
(The following is one in a series of sneak peeks at the upcoming People of Chelsea additions by Photographer Darlene DeVita. The new work will ultimately appear on the fence of the Chelsea Public Library (CPL) this fall in a collaboration between the People of Chelsea project and the CPL
I’ve been living in my home in Chelsea for one year. My children were born in the U.S. My grandmother and other family members iive here too, and we were all living with her when my children were born. Before we lived in Chelsea, we lived in East Boston.
I came from Mexico City. I came to the US alone, to Boston. I came in 1996, and had my family here. I am a single mother.
I worked downtown in Haymarket, at a restaurant. I have now been without work for 5 months because of the pandemic.
I am very happy living in Chelsea. Very grateful for all the services, for all the hospitality, and for all the help that has been given to us. Because of that, we haven’t been without food or diapers for the children. Because of that help we’ve received, I really feel supported by Chelsea 100%.
There are good people here. I really like everything about the community of Chelsea, the humility, the unity of the people.
There aren’t that many Mexicans here, a few, some restaurants. Most come from Central America. I came for a better life, a more secure future, and there are more possibilities here than in one’s home country. Especially now, with the rate of delinquency [in Mexico], one feels safer here. I feel my children are safer.
My brother is here too, and another son of mine who is 20, and a 2-month-old grandchild.