Mrs. Elizabeth “Liz” McBride, who served on the Chelsea School Committee for many years and was a member of the Chelsea Kiwanis Club, died on March 1. She was 100 years old.
McBride was a beloved public figure and attended numerous events hosted by local organizations and was warmly welcomed by all. She had incredible energy and spread her goodwill efforts throughout the community.
Mrs. McBride was a pioneer in the local Kiwanis Club, becoming its first female member. Kiwanis President Sylvia Ramirez lauded Mrs. McBride’s dedication to the club, stating that she was “a vivid and passionate member whose presence has been missed at our meetings.”
“We are saddened by this huge loss to our community,” said Ramirez. “I just hope to be at least a tiny percent of what she was for Kiwanis during my Kiwanis years. Not only was she active in Kiwanis, she was a member of the School Committee, engaged with our children, and passionate about bicycle safety – she was a great woman and we will miss her terribly.”
Ramirez said the members will be paying tribute to Mrs. McBride at her memorial observance. “We will all be wearing our red jackets to honor her.”
Councilor-at-Large Leo Robinson described Mrs. McBride as “a wonderful lady.”
“Liz devoted her life’s work to the Chelsea schoolchildren and Chelsea School Committee,” said Robinson. “Through the Kiwanis Club and her advocacy for our students, the Kiwanis Club has been a generous donor of scholarships to Chelsea High students and Liz made it happen,” said Robinson.
Chelsea School Committee member Rosemarie Carlisle served on the committee with Mrs. McBride. She was also a friend and neighbor on Sagamore Avenue.
“She was a wonderful lady who cared about all the students in the City of Chelsea,” said Carlisle. “She made sure that the decisions she made in the educational system were in the best interests of the students. She cared about all the teachers and made sure the teachers were happy in the classroom.”
Carlisle recalled how Mrs. McBride would visit the Mary C. Burke Complex and read books to the elementary school students there. They would lovingly call her, ‘Grandma’,” related Carlisle.
Carlisle said she has great memories of serving on the School Committee with Mrs. McBride and being a partner in the effort to bring Boston University officials to Chelsea to manage the local school system. “Liz McBride, and Morry Seigal, Lydia Walata, Andrew Quigley, and Chubby Tiro – all of us worked together to bring Boston University to reality in Chelsea.”
As a neighbor, Carisle often saw Mrs. McBride near her home in Prattville.
“I grew up with all her kids – she was a wonderful mother,” said Carlisle. “She loved her husband, John, and they were good parents to their kids. They were all brought up the right way in the City of Chelsea. They’re really Chelsea people.”
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