Dear editor,
Vaping by youth has become what the U.S. Surgeon General calls an epidemic and many people are working to find solutions. I’m asked frequently what can be done to turn the tide, and now new resources are available to educate youth and help those who want to quit vaping.
Sadly, many youth are unaware of the facts about and the dangers of vaping. To help, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health developed a campaign designed for youth found at It provides facts and materials for young people that compare vapes and cigarettes: both put nicotine and cancer-causing chemicals in their body and both are highly addictive and dangerous for young people.
The vaping epidemic has led parents, schools and youth-serving organizations to struggle with how to help youth who are addicted to nicotine and want to quit. Now, two new free programs, This is Quitting powered by truth®and My Life, My Quit, are available to help Massachusetts youth become nicotine- and tobacco-free.
Quitting vapes or other tobacco products can be hard. Here are some ways you can help young people get the support they need:
• This is Quitting powered by truth® is a free and confidential texting program for young people who vape. Text “VapeFreeMass” to 88709. In partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
• My Life, My Quit has youth coach specialists trained to help young people by phone or text. Young people can call or text “Start My Quit” to 855-891-9989 for free and confidential help. or sign up online at
• Visit for tools and tips.
• Encourage young people to ask their school nurse or counselor, athletic coach, doctor, parent or other trusted adult for help.
• For more information, young people can visit
• More information for parents/adults is available at
Talking with young people about vaping is essential—youth need to know that vaping is harmful and that help is available for those who want to quit. Visit to learn more or contact me at or [email protected].
Edgar Duran Elmudesi
Metro Boston Tobacco-Free Community Partnership