State Rep. RoseLee Vincent recently met with Richie and Bradley Rosen, proprietors of the family-owned “Chelsea Floor Covering Co.” located at 25 Everett Avenue in Chelsea to tour their business and discuss the importance of the film industry tax credit. For three generations—and ninety years—Chelsea Flooring has been known to provide quality floors and rugs to many homes and businesses in the Greater Boston area.
Over the last fifteen years or so, Chelsea Flooring has seen a decline in the retail aspect of its business because many consumers now tend to shop at big-box stores or online. This has created a gap and harmed this local, family owned business. However, when television shows and movies are filmed in the Greater Boston area, more often than not, production companies call on the Rosen family to supply them with floors and rugs for their sets. They work on many major productions a year; in just the past year they have worked on: “Morning Bell,” “Castle Rock,” “Slender Land” and “Wonderland.” Additionally, Chelsea Flooring’s building itself has been transformed into a movie set in the past, serving as “The Bridge Coffee Shop” in 2013’s “The Equalizer.” The business of the production companies in part subsidizes what has been lost through the average consumer shopping at the big-box retailers or online.
“Retaining the film industry tax credit is about helping small businesses across the Commonwealth, and with the Film Tax Credit sunset approaching, and production companies planning years out, Massachusetts may be left out if we do not act now to remove the Film Tax Credit sunset,” said Representative RoseLee Vincent. “I am proud to support the film industry tax credit because as is shown at Chelsea Flooring, it trickles down and greatly benefits our local, family owned businesses, oftentimes providing the lifeline that keeps them successful.”
The state’s film and television production incentive program continues to create thousands of jobs and support local businesses here in the Commonwealth. It has made Massachusetts a leading filmmaking destination, supporting local families and creating an industry that helps countless small businesses in cities and towns all across this state.
Since the Film and Television Incentive became law in 2006, over 230 productions have filmed in over 220 Massachusetts cities and towns, together spending more than $2.4 billion in the Commonwealth. The film and television productions brought here by the incentive program have a deep and widespread impact on the state’s economy, growing a vibrant industry and employing thousands of local residents who live, work, and pay taxes in Massachusetts communities.
Larger productions keep coming back, as they have established a significant footprint here and solid working relationships with hundreds of local film and television professionals and thousands of local businesses. Now, the state is finally attracting multi-year episodic television series, which employ more local workers, use more local businesses, and are the engine of growth for the industry in Massachusetts.
The Film & Television Production Incentive has made Massachusetts a leading filmmaking destination that supports thousands of local families with good-paying jobs and is creating a local industry that helps countless small businesses in cities and towns all across this state. The Commonwealth has created a vibrant ecosystem that has spun off small businesses and supports vendors and suppliers across the state. Workers have put their roots in our communities and built families here because they can now spend their careers here.