The temperature was 83 degrees and heading north of 90 when a group of residents showed up Saturday for a cleanup of the park adjacent to Creekside Commons in Chelsea.
But the hot sun proved no match for members of the Chelsea Enhancement Team (CET) who worked diligently to spruce up the park and walking path that begins behind Beth Israel Deaconess Healthcare and continues to the Locke Street Apartments.

Sharon Fosbury, senior engagement manager at The Neighborhood Developers, and Michael Sandoval, a founding member of CET and recycling and solid waste coordinator for the City of Chelsea, have headed the regularly scheduled events that have come to be known as “Chelsea Shines – The Neighborhood Cleanup.”
“We do these events in various parts of the city,” explained Fosbury. “At our last meeting, the group decided that they wanted to go to Creekside Commons for July, so we’re here cleaning, weeding, picking up trash, trying to keep our parks clean.”
Sandoval said the city and CET are committed to providing safe passage for the Chelsea residents who use the local parks and recreational areas.
“We’re very committed to stepping up our cleanings and educating the public and creating an awareness for the importance of reducing litter in our parks,” said Sandoval.
Each week city workers maintain a bag dispenser and dog waste station at the site, one of 33 such stations throughout the city, according to Sandoval.
Sandoval credits City Manager Tom Ambrosino for his support of the CET and the consistent cleanup efforts throughout the city.
“This is a work in progress and we have an amazing leader in our city manager, Tom Ambrosino,” said Sandoval. “He’s been our backbone and given us all the support we need as far as doing the outreach and talking to residents about the importance of keeping our city clean.”
Fosbury said the CET also regularly maintains the area at the corner of Marlborough and Willow streets.
“We’ve adopted this little area right where the Silver Line goes by,” related Fosbury. “We’ve planted a bunch of sunflowers. Every year we do plantings and weeds.”
Fosbury, who’s become one of the faces of the highly successful TND agency that totally transformed Gerrish Avenue into an incredible residential community among other projects, invites local residents to join the Chelsea Enhancement Team at its meetings which are held on the third Wednesday of each month.