By Seth Daniel
Chelsea voters bucked the nationwide trend and voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, and more important locally, easily approved the Community Preservation Act (CPA) proposal that would provide money to help fund community projects and affordable housing.
Turnout was heavy in Chelsea with early voting contributing to about 10,000 votes cast in the City.
In the presidential race, Clinton got 7,395 votes (79 percent) to Republican President Elect Donald Trump’s 1,558 votes (17 percent). Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson received 201 votes.
The most important matter on the ballot locally was the CPA, which calls for an assessment on property taxes to match state funds that become funding for community projects, such as parks, and affordable housing.
Voters approved the CPA 5,460 votes (66 percent) to 2,752 votes (34 percent).
In the other questions, Chelsea basically followed the state voting trends.
- Question 1 (slots in Revere) saw 45 percent voting for and 56 percent voting against in Chelsea.
- Question 2 (lift charter school cap) was defeated in Chelsea 4,809 (55 percent) to 3,889 (45 percent).
- Question 3 (cage-free eggs, animals) was okayed 6,628 votes (79 percent) to 1,797 votes (21 percent).
- Question 4 (legalization of marijuana) was approved in Chelsea 5,460 votes (66 percent) to 2,752 votes (34 percent).
There were not other competitive races on the ballot, but Congressman Michael Capuano got 7,337 votes, Sen. Sal DiDomenico got 6,916 votes, Rep. Dan Ryan got 4,742 votes, and State Rep. RoseLee Vincent got 1,910 votes.
Sheriff Steve Tompkins received 6,601 votes in Chelsea.