Massachusetts voters will have the opportunity Tuesday to choose their next U.S. Senator to fill the seat left vacant by the ascent of former Senator John Kerry to become Secretary of State.
The two candidates are our long time Congressman, Democrat Ed Markey, and Republican political newcomer Gabriel Gomez of Cohasset.
There could not be a starker contrast between two candidates.
Ed Markey is a strong supporter of President Obama and his administration’s policies, while Gomez (before he was a candidate) not only has flailed the President for the manner in which the administration handled the elimination of Osama bin Laden, but also has attacked the President’s policies in virtually every conceivable manner.
In short, Ed Markey stands for the effort to try to work together with his Republican colleagues (something Ed has been doing throughout his 36 year tenure in Congress) to get things done, while Gomez by his own words will be another GOP senator who will back the party line of Mitch McConnell to continue the gridlock that plagues Washington, D.C.
In addition, Gomez (a former fund manager) is anti-union and supports measures, such as a 24 hour waiting period, that restrict a woman’s right to choose. Ed Markey’s unwavering support both for working class, middle Americans, as well as a woman’s right to choose, have been long-held during his years in office
So this election is a big deal, not only for Chelsea and Massachusetts, but also for our nation. Regardless of one’s positions on the issues, sitting at home is not an option.
Please take the time to vote on Tuesday — it will take only two minutes and will be well worth the effort.