Monday, December 26, 2011
Robin M. Kelley, 48, of 3 Seafoam Avenue, Winthrop, was arrested for shoplifting.
Idan Rivera, 27, of 266 Seaver Street, Dorchester, was arrested for operation of motor vehicle with suspended license, and failing to wear a seatbelt.
Gregory Harren, 30, of 30 Brainard Avene, Medford, was arrested for warrant misdemeanor default.
Enrique Rivera, 18, of 737 Broadway, Chelsea, was arrested for malicious damage to a motor vehicle, two counts of destruction of property, possession of alcohol under age 21, defacing property and possession of a Class E drug.
Andrew Hannon, 18, of 45 Jefferson Avenue, Chelsea, was arrested for two counts of destruction of property, possession of alcohol under age 21 and defacing property.
Jeffrey Morales, 28, of 21 Highland Avenue, Revere, was arrested for unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, number plate violation and uninsured motor vehicle.
James A. Damory, 24, of 1219 North Shore Road, Revere, was arrested for unarmed robbery.
Tuesday, December 27
Jose Adonay Cruz, 26, of 92 Blossom Street, Chelsea, was arrested for unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, failing to stop for police, warrant felony default and failing to wear seat belt.
Wednesday, December 28
Cheryl Stuve, 47, of 9 Burnham Street, Revere, was arrested for shoplifting.
Alberto Perez, 46, of 913 Broadway, Chelsea, was arrested for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
Yorman Osorno, 22, of 21 Rogers Avenue, Lynn, was arrested for unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, resisting arrest and number plate violation.
Ricardo Acen McCollin, Jr., 47, of 115 Washington Avenue, Chelsea, was arrested for receiving stolen motor vehicle, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and assault and battery on a police officer.
Thursday, December 29
Richard Andrade, 51, of 11 Dudley Street, Boston, was arrested for shoplifting and warrant misdemeanor default.
Victor Barahona, 18, of 77 Bloomingdale Street, Chelsea, was arrested for two counts of straight warrant misdemeanor.
Friday, December 30
Alexis Martinez, 23, of 51 Parker Street, Chelsea, was arrested for straight warrant misdemeanor.
Neil Watts, 64, of 291 Marden Road, Wilton, NH, was arrested for warrant misdemeanor default.
Angel Benito Reyees, 46, of 92 Blossom Street, Chelsea, was arrested for driving under the influence, stop sign violation and driving with suspended license.
Saturday, December 31
Michael Rivera, 21, of 737 Broadway, Chelsea, was arrested for assault with a dangerous weapon.
Angel A. Cruz, 36, of 108 Essex Street, Chelsea, was arrested for assault and battery and warrant misdemeanor default.
Pirali Muradov, 51, of 2500 Mystic Valley Parkway, Medford, was arrested for disorderly conduct.
Fredua Boakye, 30, of 325 Commandants Way, Chelsea, was arrested for two counts of straight warrant misdemeanor.
Sunday, January 1
David A. Gonzalez, 32, of 855 Broadway, Chelsea, was arrested for disorderly conduct.
Jose Aliveira Nascimento, 46, of 317 Saratoga Street, East Boston, was arrested for unlicensed operation of motor vehicle and stop sign violation.