The 27th annual Chelsea Reunion in Florida will be held in Boynton Beach, Florida on March 4.
The event is being chaired, once again, by Chelsea’s Leona Grell, one of our best known and beloved citizens.
The Chelsea Time or reunion as it is officially called, has been a big hit since it first began in 1984.
The first five reunions were astounding events, bringing together masses of old-time Chelsea residents and people who were brought up here, mingling with a huge crowd of Chelsea people from all walks of life but mostly an over 70 type of affair.
Fast forward 27 years and the event remains vibrant, but an entire generation of revelers are gone from this earth.
Yet the event remains popular and highly regarded as a night to mix with old friends long removed from the city of their birth.
We thank Leona Grell in maintaining these important link’s to lost Chelsea.
If you haven’t done one of these reunions and you grew up here, you should.