Dr. Mary Bourque, superintendent of Chelsea public schools, displays a poster featuring the school system’s new “Bridge to Success” logo.
The Chelsea Public Schools have a new logo and marketing tag line.
Dr. Mary Bourque, superintendent of schools, said that “Bridge to Success” became the logo and marketing brand on the first day of the 2011-12 academic year.
The red and black logo features an image of the Tobin Bridge situated atop three merging red lines. The words “Bridge to Success” appear to the right of the bridge along with a nine-point star directly above the letter ‘I’ in the word “Bridge.”
Bourque described the symbolism of each segment of the logo in an interview Wednesday.
“The bridge in the middle of the logo is a representation of who we are as a community because the Tobin Bridge is so much of our identity over the years,” said Bourque. “The red and black colors signify our history and tradition. The three red lines signify the multiple pathways that students can choose to travel toward success and their aspirations. The star is the metaphor for our goals, aspirations and achievements. The nine points on the star signify the nine schools in Chelsea.”
Erica Shorey, art teacher at Chelsea High School, designed nine different logos before teachers, community leaders, parents, students, and School Committee members voted for the official logo.
Bourque said the logo appears on the school’s Web Site and emails and its new stationery.
The logo is colorful, catchy, clean, and professional. Shorey’s artistic logo-designing talent is attracting admirers across the city.
“Our staff is so excited about it that they want clothing apparel with the logo,” said Bourque. “We sent out a survey and we have more than 300 respondents that are interested in purchasing clothing with the Bridge to Success logo so we will offer it to them.”