A Dockside sports lounge and restaurant will be opening at the Market Basket Mall in the spring. It will be quite an addition to the mall, which has been experiencing a tremendous growth spurt. Shown above is an artists rendering of the new restaurant.
Dockside Restaurants is taking a stand in Chelsea.
The well known, well run, well-attired sports restaurant chain with locations in Malden and Wakefield, is coming to Chelsea to the Market Basket Mall to the building now housing the AJ Wright outlet.
The concept will be the same as its flagship location in Malden.
It will offer an American menu and a sports atmosphere.
There will be a central bar with flat screens everywhere, with a well appointed interior rich with well made wooden stools, tables and chairs, comfortable booths and a private dining room for special times with seating enough for almost 200.
“This is a dream come true for us,” said Lisa Urbaczeski, whose well known father Jackie founded the chains other two locations.
Lisa Urbaczewski will be the manager of the restaurant.
She said she was anticipating opening for business in May of June and that the opening of the restaurant would be used to raise money for the local Salvation Army.
“I know my Dad is extremely excited to bring his business back to Chelsea,” she said. “After all, this is the neighborhood he grew up in, where his roots are and I think it is particularly nice that he has come full circle and will be back here in the spring.”
Her father, a former Chelsea police detective, said the opportunity to come back home was a driving force in locating at the mall.
“I am humbled to have this chance to open a first class restaurant in a city that I love and where I grew up. Coming back here at this time in my life means so much to me. It is impossible to describe unless you grew up in this city when it was a far different place than it is today,” he added.
Dockside has entered into a long-term lease with the Demoulas Family, owners of the mall.
And now with the FBI coming to town, the timing couldn’t have been better.